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The design system promotes a unified online platform presence.


Online platforms may include:

  • Websites
  • ReggieNet
  • Third-Party Applications


The Design System ensures a visitor has the same experience no matter where they go throughout the Illinois State domain.

Each of our websites or web apps may serve several audiences, including:

  • prospective students
  • current students
  • parents
  • alumni
  • faculty
  • staff
  • donors
  • political leaders

No matter what platform the audience uses, their experience should be consistent. Consistency is achieved when our content and design elements are uniform across all our platforms.

  • Making an Illinois State website

    Policies and standards for University websites.

  • Digital Logo

    Our digital logo uses an SVG version of the University seal with live HTML text.

  • Favicon

    Full-color version of Reggie's head that serves as the University favicon.

  • Footer Content

    A consistent website footer used at the bottom of each webpage.

  • iGuide

    The iGuide is a script located at the top of each Illinois State webpage.

  • Templates

    Customizable templates that helps maintain a consistent look and feel across all University websites.

  • Accessibility

    Ensure your digital products are accessible to everyone.